Keep on top of your game with Taurine – a convenient free-form powdered version of the naturally-occurring amino acid. Taurine is an ideal supplement for anyone with an active lifestyle and is found in many pre-workout and energy drinks and shakes. Each serving provides 2g of taurine, and is best consumed 30-60 min before exercise. Pure Taurine is unflavoured so you can decide whether to mix with water or add as part of your homemade pre-workout drink to help get the best out of your training!
Taurine is a naturally-occurring amino acid found in high concentrations within the body, particularly skeletal muscle and the brain. Amino acids are the building blocks of protein - nine are essential and need to be consumed as part of our daily diet, while eleven are made within the body, but may need topping up from time-to time. Pure Taurine offers an easy way to add some extra taurine into your diet.