Q&A #1 - Body & Fit experts on sleep, snacking and more.


Every day, the 40 certified professionals of the Body & Fit customer service team are ready to answer all of your health and fitness related questions. In these Q&A articles we show you our answers to some of the most frequently asked questions.

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How much sleep do I need per night?

Most people really do need seven to eight hours of sleep to function optimally and properly recover from training. However, it is true that some people, including former president of the United States Barack Obama, need less sleep and feel good with only four hours of sleep per night. There is a genetic deviation that about 1 percent of the human population has, which allows them to get away with sleeping less than five hours per night. But if you aren’t one of those lucky few, you’ll really need at least seven. It’s not something you can train yourself to do. Research from the University of Central Florida showed that a lot of people try to emulate this kind of sleeping pattern, but that they only get rewarded with a chronic lack of sleep, which in turn will lead to decrease in performance at both your job and in the gym.

If I want to drink alcohol, what should I drink?

Alcoholic beverages often contain a lot of calories. With a large glass of wine you’ll easily drink up about 180 calories and a single beer contains about 170 calories. The best option? Booze with as little calories as possible. That would get you to drink something like gin or vodka. Use sparkling water or zero-calorie sodas as your mixer if you want to go that route, that’ll help keep the total calories low. While alcohol contains quite a few calories on its own, its usually the mixers that really turn cocktails into calorie-bombs! Enjoy responsibly!

Can I have a healthy midnight snack?

That depends on the reason honestly. If you don’t need to maintain a higher protein demand than average it isn’t wise to get one. However, if you are a passionate weightlifter, then a good serving of protein-rich Greek yoghurt couldn’t hurt for example. However, even though the rule “no carbs after dinner” has been proven to be nonsense, there is still more bad news for night-time snacking. Research from UCLA indicates that abnormal diet patterns can rattle the hippocampus in your brains, which plays a role in your emotional and memory functions. It won’t necessarily be an issue if you get a midnight snack every now and then, just try not to make it a habit!

Is it a okay to take painkillers for bad muscle aches after training?

Muscle soreness after a heavy workout is normal. However bad it might feel in the moment, know that anti-inflammatory drugs like Ibuprofen can actually hinder your recovery process. Research from the American Brigham Young University showed that inflammation is an essential part for recovery. The researchers discovered that the muscles of people that had recently worked out contain T-cells. These cells normally “remember” viruses, so that can fight them better. However, they also appeared to remember the normal muscle damage that a workout causes. Medicines like Ibuprofen decrease the effectiveness of your T-cells. So be a champ and try and see the muscle soreness as something positive!

Why can’t I seem to get up early?

That can be because of your genetics. Research has identified 15 genes that play a role in deciding if you are a morning person or not. Seven of those are linked to your internal clock. If you do manage to change your rhythm, doing so is totally worth it. The research also indicated that people who get up early tend to have lower BMI and suffered less from sleep-apnoea and insomnia. Try not to snooze your alarm and get up at the same time as you partner if possible. 

Is there an ideal time for burning fat?

If you have a properly balanced diet, then there is no magical moment on the day in which your suddenly start burning fat faster. However, it is dependent on your personal preferences and your schedule. There are some indications that a morning session of HIIT before your breakfast is a little bit better for burning fat because in that case your glycogen levels are still low. The most important thing is just to train and move when you’re able, whether that’s in the morning, the afternoon, or at night.

Can I test myself for food allergies?

I can imagine you want to test yourself if you experience any issues. But the short answer to this question is: no, this is an issue you should go see your doctor for. Nowadays, more and more self-test sets entering the market that sound very scientific. However, there is no conclusive evidence that those kind of tests actually work. Plus doing a test is only a part of a diagnosis. You might be able to get a sense of where the problem is by doing some food elimination trials, in which you take out specific food types for a set period of time and see what happens. Though for real advice, you should definitely go discuss your issues with your doctor.