Mighty Minerals


As an athlete you ask a lot of body, which makes it important that you consume the right micronutrients, which include minerals. This is what you need and where you can find them. If you’re a little bit health conscious, then you probably have plenty of experience scouring labels to see whether or not you’re getting enough vitamins. But did you know that minerals are just as important? In order for your body to function properly, you need more than 20 different kinds of minerals. They’re needed for your muscles, bones, immune system, blood and more.  Of some minerals (like boron and chrome) you’ll rarely have a deficiency, because they’re present in a lot of different kinds of food. But there are some that require a little bit extra attention. We’ve listed 8 of the most important ones.

Did you know that …

… around 4 percent of our body is made up of minerals?
… the difference between minerals and trace elements is predominantly in the quantity your body needs?
how much minerals you require depends on your age, sex and stage of life (i.e. pregnancy, lactating, 60-plus)?
… a mineral deficiency can lead to stunted growth, skin problems and a reduces resistance to infections?

1 Zinc

This mineral is crucial for the maintenance of healthy testosterone levels in your body. You’ll get enough of this unmissable mineral if you eat meat and eggs on a regular basis. If you do have a deficiency – or when you sweat a lot – it is recommended to top up your zinc with a supplement. With a daily dose of 5 to 10 milligrams of zinc in your body, the substance also helps protect cells from oxidative stress and contributes to the normal functioning of your immune system.

2 Magnesium

Do you eat a lot of nuts and vegetables? In that case you might be alright. If not, chances are you’re not, because magnesium is the most prevalent deficiency in developed countries after vitamin D. Make sure you consume 200 – 400 milligrams of magnesium per day to cover your bases. Among other functions, magnesium contributes to a reduction of tiredness and fatigue.

3 Calcium

This is probably the most well-known mineral to the public. Calcium is mostly found in milk and in other dairy products, but you’ll also come across calcium in bread, vegetables and potatoes. As you might know, calcium is needed for the maintenance of strong bones and teeth, but that’s not all: it is also needed to keep your muscles the functioning normally. Aim for 1000 milligrams per day.

4 Selenium

While you shouldn’t go overboard with this peculiar mineral, selenium is incredibly important for your health as it plays a role in all manners of bodily functions. 200 micrograms per day is a good amount to aim for. You can find selenium in food sources like tuna, eggs and sunflower seeds.

5 Potassium

Bananas are a well-known source of potassium. A hundred grams of this fruit contains around 360 milligrams of the mineral. You’ll also find plenty of it in various kinds of potatoes, spinach and avocado.  A healthy adult should aim to consume at least 3500 milligrams per day. However, if you exercise a lot or have a physically demanding job, you might need a higher than average dose of potassium. It helps keep your nervous system in shape, contributes to the functioning of your muscles and plays a role in keeping your blood pressure normal.

6 Phosphorus

After calcium this is the mineral that is most prevalent in your body. It can give rise to side effects if you have too much (probable) or too little (less probable) of this mineral in your system. Phosphorus helps keep your bones and teeth in shape and it contributes to a normal, energy-yielding metabolism. Make sure to consume 700 milligrams per day through meat and milk, or – if you follow a plant-based diet – by eating wholemeal bread.

7 Iron

Your body probably already get enough of it – meat, nuts, and dark leafy vegetables like spinach are rich in iron. But this mineral still deserves attention, because it is important for normal formation of red blood cells and haemoglobin and a deficiency (anaemia) can lead to dizziness and a lack of energy. For vegans it can be a challenge to obtain enough iron; people on a plant-based diet could consider a supplement. Adult men should aim to take in 8 mg per day, where adult women up to 50 years are recommended to take 18 mg.

8 Copper

Copper plays a role in many bodily functions, including contributing to the maintenance of connective tissues and a normal energy-yielding metabolism. The mineral is also important because its helps the normal iron transport in the body. This means that symptoms of an iron deficiency could also have something to do with a deficiency in the intake of copper. Adults should aim for an intake of about 900 micrograms per day. Mushrooms and spinach are good sources of copper and heat has no influence on this mineral, so have a tasty meal by mixing them in a pan with a couple of eggs.